
Email: sllo@ntu.edu.tw
- Best Academic Dissertation Award, Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 2023
- KKNN (KAIST-KU-NTU-NUS) Fellow, 2023
- VEBLEO Fellow, Material Science, Engineering and Technology, 2022
- Most Reader’s Article Award, Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), India, 2022
- IAAM Distinguished Fellow, International Association of Advanced Materials
- 國立台灣大學優良教學獎(2021)
- Innovative Leader Award, International Research and Development Centre for Publication, IRDCP, (2021)
- ASCE Life Member, American Society of Civil Engineers
- 中華民國環境工程學會Sustainable Environment Research論文被引用次數最高貢獻卓著獎
- IETI Distinguished Fellow, International Engineering and Technology Institute
- Outstanding Leadership and Contribution Award on Biomass/ Wastes Energy and Environment, BEE, Tianjin University
- 台灣環境與資源經濟學會論文獎(博士論文指導)
- Academician, European Academy of Sciences and Arts
- 行政院弘揚師道獎章
- 財團法人宗倬章先生教育基金會宗倬章先生講座
- 教育部教學40年特優資深教師獎
- IWA Distinguished Fellow
- EWRI Fellow, Environmental & Water Resources Institute of ASCE
- ASCE Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers
- Diplomate, WRE, American Academy of Water Resources Engineers
- BCEEM, American Academy of Environmental Engineers
- Best Poster Award, IWA World Water Congress
- Best Paper Award, IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition
- 中華民國環境工程學會會士
- 東元科技文教基金會第18屆機械/能源/環境科技類東元獎
- 中華水資源管理學會傑出水資源成就獎
- 內政部下水道建設卓越成就獎
- 經濟部第12屆全國標準化成就獎
- 行政院環境保護署一等專業功勛獎章
- 徐有庠先生紀念基金會綠色科技講座
- 中國土木水利學會會士
- ICCE Fellow, International Congress of Chemistry and Environment
- 中華民國自來水協會卓越功勛獎章
- 教育部教學傑出獎
- 國家科學委員會傑出獎
- 國家科學委員會特約研究人員獎
- 環境工程學會工程獎章
- 侯金堆傑出榮譽獎
- 中國工程師學會十大傑出教授獎
- 中工會工程論文獎
- 環境工程學會論文獎
- 中國土木水利學會學術論文獎
- 中華水資源管理學會學術論文獎
- 慶恩基金會綠色科技論文獎
- 自來水協會研究論文獎
- 中華民國環境工程學會卓越貢獻獎章
- 臺灣大學傑出獎
- 教育部優良教材獎
- Yuan, M.H., P.T. Chiueh, Y.S. Chang, H.H. Tung, C.P. Yu, H.W. Ma, and S.L. Lo, 2022, “Taipei: Sustainable management for wastescapes: A Food-Water-Energy nexus experiment”, in Designing Sustainable and Resilient Cities”, A. Melis, J. Brown, and C. Coulter, eds., Routledge, London, UK, ISBN: 978-0-36-763197-0, Part 1.5.
- Yuan, M.H., P.T. Chiueh, Y.S. Chang, H.H. Tung, C.P. Yu, H.W. Ma, and S.L. Lo, 2022, “Data and knowledge support decision-making for the urban Food-Energy-Water nexus”, in Designing Sustainable and Resilient Cities”, A. Melis, J. Brown, and C. Coulter, eds., Routledge, London, UK, ISBN: 978-0-36-763197-0, Part 5
- Singh S., K.J. Shah, N. Mehta1, V.C. Srivastava, and S.L. Lo, 2021, “Electrochemical Oxidation of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) from Aqueous Solution using Non-Active Ti/SnO2-Sb2O5/PbO2 Anodes”, in Advances in Wastewater Treatment II”, Kinjal J. Shah and Vimal Gandhi, ed., Materials Research Forum LLC, Millersville, PA 17551, USA, ISBN: 978-1-64490-138-0, ISSN 2471-8890.
- Singh, S., V.C. Srivastava, and S.L. Lo, 2021, “Electrochemical technologies for persistent organic pollutants remediation”. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London (In progress: Initial Review completed).
- Huang, Y.F., and S.L. Lo, 2019, “Utilization of Rice Hull and Rice Straw: Adsorbents, Biofuels and Other Industrial Uses”, in Rice: Chemistry and Technology, 4th Edition, Jinsong Bao, ed., Elsevier, London, UK, ISBN: 978-0-12-811508-4, 627-661.
- 莊旭楨、駱尚廉,「黏度感測裝置」,中華民國專利證書發明第I813439號,2023.8.21~2042.9.7。
- 鄭詠紜、駱尚廉,「水質監測控制裝置」,中華民國專利證書發明第I718498號,2021.2.11~2039.3.14。
- 駱尚廉、周思伶,「從廢棄印刷電路板中回收金的方法」,中華民國專利證書發明第I662135號,2019.6.11~2038.4.12。
- 駱尚廉、李岳峰,「從污水中分離回收鳥糞石的系統」,中華民國專利證書新型第M560468號,2018.5.21~2027.11.23。
- 駱尚廉、李岳峰,「從污水中分離回收鳥糞石的系統」,中華民國專利證書發明第I641558號,2018.11.21~2037.11.23。
- 駱尚廉、李爽、孫力平、邱春生、鍾遠,「一種陽離子表面活性劑—電絮凝處理污水的方法」,中華人民共和國專利證書發明第1963433號,2016.02.24~2036.02.23。
- 駱尚廉、李爽、孫力平、邱春生、鍾遠,「一種陰離子表面活性劑—電絮凝處理污水的方法」,中華人民共和國專利證書發明第1963833號,2016.02.24~2036.02.23。
- Liou, Y.H., S.L. Lo, and C.J. Lin, “Cationic Exchange Resin with Zero-valance Double Metal Cationic Exchange Resin and Process Thereof ”, United States Patent : US 7,781,491 B2, Aug. 24, 2010 (國科會計畫,NSC93-2211-E002-035, NSC94-2211-E002-021)
- 官文惠、黃于峯、駱尚廉,「微波誘發裂解生質廢棄物全回收為可利用之資源與能源之方法」,中華民國專利證書發明第I347331號,2011.8.21~2027.8.13。(國科會計畫,NSC99-ET-E-002-009-ET)。
- 郭昭吟、吳忠信、駱尚廉,「利用微波製備氧化亞銅之方法」,中華民國專利證書發明第I350362號,2011.10.11~2028.4.20。
- 駱尚廉、周孫有,「焚化飛灰經微波燒結的處理方法」,中華民國專利證書發明第I379812號,2012.12.21~2028.10.07。
- 駱尚廉、周孫有,「以微波燒結技術對於焚化飛灰的處理方法」,中華民國專利證書發明第I398309號,2013.6.11~2029.8.9。
- 駱尚廉、闕蓓德、王美茹,「利用微波誘發焙燒反應將生質廢棄物轉化為固態燃料之方法」,中華民國專利證書發明第I417376,2013.12.1~2030.12.1。
- 駱尚廉,2023. 9,「口渴想喝水嗎? – 讓我們聊聊飲用水的問題」,消費者報導,第509期,pp. 9-12。
- 駱尚廉、劉于榕、顏上茹、王子昀、游博宇、孫溏澤,2020.6,「超聲波氧化技術在高濃度COD廢水處理應用之可行性評估(I)」,(台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司計畫)。
- 駱尚廉、劉于榕、楊和熙、劉元涵、鄭郁欣,2021.6,「超聲波氧化技術在高濃度COD廢水處理應用之可行性評估(II)」,(台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司計畫)。
- 駱尚廉、闕蓓德、張育森、童心欣、于昌平、袁美華、羅方辰、吳俊偉、張朝欽、徐梓軒、陳欣沛、官崇煜、吳靜玫,2021.6,「因應氣候變遷下韌性環境治理策略之示範推廣計畫」,(環保署計畫,EPA-109A236)。
- 陳文卿、駱尚廉、蔡人傑、鄭曉芬、陳靖原、李宜亭、賴明伸、梁永瑩、李紀瑩、姜運喜、嚴玉桂,2021.1,「毒性及關切化學物質綜合政策規劃及成果彙編計畫」,(環保署毒物及化學物質局計畫,TCSB–109D036)財團法人環境與發展基金會。
- 駱尚廉、劉于榕、林強,2021.12,「以顆粒活性碳去除水中全氟丁烷磺酸之吸附效能評估」,(中鼎化工股份有限公司計畫)。
- 駱尚廉,2019.12,「建構福德坑環保復育公園作為綠能環境教育示範場域之先期推動計畫」,(臺北市政府環保局計畫)。
SCI or SSCI Journal Papers
- Chuang, W.K., Z.E. Lin, T.C. Lin, S.L. Lo, C.L. Chang, and P.T. Chiueh, 2023, “Spatial Allocation of LID Practices with a Water Footprint Approach”, Science of the Total Environment, 859: 160201.
- Singh, S., R. Patidar, V.C. Srivastava, P. Kumar, A. Singh, and S.L. Lo, 2023, “Ellipsoid-shaped Copper Oxide as an Effective Peroxymonosulfate Activator for Perfluorooctanoic Acid Decomposition”, Materials Today Communications, 34: 105107.
- Qiao, Q., S. Singh, R. Patidar, L. Wang, Y. Li, J. Shi, V.C. Srivastava, and S.L. Lo, 2023, “Contribution of Electrolyte in Parametric Optimization of Perfluorooctanoic Acid during Electro-oxidation: Active Chlorinated and Sulfonated By-products Formation and Distribution”, Chemosphere, 312: 137202.
- Li, Y.F., T, Fang, Y.C. Lee, Y.J. Liu, C.Y. Hu, and S.L. Lo, 2023, “Cationic Surfactants Influencing the Enhancement of Energy Efficiency for Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) Removal in the Electrocoagulation-flotation (ECF) System”, Chemosphere, 318: 137932.
- Fakour, H., M. Imani, S.L. Lo, M.H. Yuan, C.K. Chen, S. Mobasser and I. Muangthai, 2023, “Evaluation of Solar Photovoltaic Carport Canopy with Electric Vehicle Charging Potential”, Nature-Scientific Report, 13:2136. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-29223-6.
- Huang, Y.F., P.T. Chiueh, and S.L. Lo, 2023, “Carbon Capture of Biochar Produced by Microwave Co-pyrolysis: Adsorption Capacity, Kinetics and Benefits”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 30(9): 22211-22221.
- Imani, M., H. Fakour, S.L. Lo, M.H. Yuan, C.K. Chen, S. Mobasser and I. Muangthai, 2023, “Aquavotaics Feasibility Assessment: Synergies of Solar PV Power Generation and Aquaculture Production”, Water, 15: 987; doi:10.3390/w15050967.
- Singh, S., P. Kumar, R. Patidar, V.C. Srivastava, S.L. Lo, and U.L. Stangar 2023, “Catalytic Oxidation of Bisphenol A with Co3+ Rich Spinel Co3O4: Performance Evaluation with Peroxymonosulfate Activation and Mineralization Mechanism”, J. Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11: 110023.
- Lin, W.H., H.Y. Wang, J. Kuo, and S.L. Lo, 2023, “Adsorption and Desorption Characteristics of Heavy Metals onto Conventional and Biodegradable Plastics”, Chemosphere, 333: 138920.
- Kumar. A., E. Singh, R. Mishra, S.L. Lo, and S. Kumar, 2023, “Global Trends in Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Technologies Through the Lens of Sustainable Energy Development opportunity”, Energy, 275: 127471.
- Chen, H.L., S.L. Lo, J. Kuo, and C.L. Huang, 2023, ‘Estimate Measurment Errors of Household Water Meters using a Large Amount of On-site Data Feedback”, Sustainable Environment Research, 33: 19.
- Singh, S., R. Patidar, V.C. Srivastava, Q. Qiao, P. Kumar, A. Singh, and S.L. Lo, 2023, “Peroxymonosulfate Activation with α-MnO2/Mn2O3/Mn3O4 Hybrid System: Parametric Optimization and Oxidative Degradation of Organic Dye”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 30(31): 76660-76674.
- Huang, Y.F., W.N. Hsia, and S.L. Lo, 2023, “Ultrasound-assisted Leaching and Supported Liquid Membrane Extraction of Waste Liquid Crystal Displays for Indium Recovery”, Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 35: 101227.
- Thakur, V., S. Singh, P. Kumar, S. Rawat, V.C. Srivastava, S.L. Lo, and U.L. Štangar, 2023, “Photocatalytic Behaviors of Bismuth-based Mixed Oxides: Types, Fabrication Techniques and Mineralization Mechanism of Antibiotics”, Chemical Engineering J., 475: 146100.
- Singh, S., R. Patidar, V.C. Srivastava, S.L. Lo, and P.V. Nidheesh, 2023, “A Critical Review on the Degradation Mechanism of Textile Effluent During Electrocatalytic Oxidation: Removal Optimization and Degradation Pathways”, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11: 111277.
- Singh, E., A. Kumar, and S.L. Lo, 2024, “Synergistic Roles of Carbon Dioxide Nanobubbles and Biochar for Promoting Direct CO2 Assimilation by Plants and Optimizing Nutrient Uptake Efficiency”, Environmental Research, 244: 117918.
- Peng, S.H., and, S.L. Lo, 2024, “Hybrid (Optimal) Selection Model for Phase Change Materials Used in the Cold Energy Storage of Air Conditioning Systems”, Energies, 17: 63.
- Li, Y.F., C.Y. Ho, Y.J. Liu, Y.C. Lee, C.Y. Hu, and S.L. Lo, 2023, “Enhance Electrocoagulation-Flotation (ECF) Removal Efficiency Perfluorohexanoic Acid (PFHxA) by Adding Surfactants”, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, (Accepted).
- Li, Y.F., C.W. Wang, C.K. Chen, M.W. Chen, Y.C. Fang, and S.L. Lo, 2023, “Recovering Phosphorus from Human Urine by Electrochemical Precipitation Using Magnesium Alloy Tailings as Electrodes – Lab Scale and Pilot Scale Studies”, Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), (Accepted).
- Lee, Y.C., Y.F. Li, S.L. Lo, J. Kuo, W. Sun, and C.Y. Hu, 2022, “Decomposition of Perfluorooctanic Acid by Carbon Aerogel with Persulfate Efficient”, Chemical Engineering J., 430: 132900.
- Li, Y.F., C.Y. Hu, Y.C. Lee, and S.L. Lo, 2022, “Effects of Zinc Salt Addition on Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) Removal by Electrocoagulation with Aluminum Electrodes”, Chemosphere, 288: 132665.
- Yuan, M.H., and S.L. Lo, 2022, “Principles of Food-energy-water Nexus Governance”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 155: 111937.
- Lee, M.G., S.L. Lo, Y.C. Kan, C.H. Chiang, J.H. Chang, Y.M. Su, E.A. Yatsenko, and S.H. Hu, 2022, “Water Quenched Slag from Incinerator Ash Used as Artificial Stone”, Case Studies in Construction Materials, 16: doi:10.1016/ j.cscm.2021.e00827.
- Imani, M., S.L. Lo, H. Fakour, C.Y. Kuo, and S. Mobasser, 2022, “Conceptual Framework for Disaster Management in Coastal Cities Using Climate Change Resilience and Coping Ability”, Atmosphere, 13(16): doi:10.3390/ atmos13010016.
- Huang, Y.F., S.L. Chou, and S.L. Lo, 2022, “Gold Recovery from Waste Printed Circuit Boards of Mobile Phones by Using Microwave Pyrolysis and Hydrometallurgical Methods”, Sustainable Environment Research, 32(6): doi:10.1186/ s42834-022-00118-x.
- Wu, C.I., S.L. Lo, and H.C. Chung, 2022, “Automated Monitoring of a High-Speed Flocculation Flat-Bottomed Sludge Blanket Clarifier Pond during Drought and Flood Conditions”, Water, 14: 1170; doi:10.3390/w14071170.
- Yuan, M.H., F.C. Lo, C.P. Yu, H.H. Tung Y.S. Chang P.T. Chiueh, H.C. Huang, C.C. Chang, C.Y. Guan, C.W. Wu, Z.X. Xu, and S.L. Lo, 2022, “Nature-based Solutions for Securing Contributions of Water, Food, and Energy in an Urban Environment”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 29(38): 58222-58230.
- Su, P.W., and S.L. Lo, 2022, “Satellite Imagery: A Way to Monitor Water Quality for the Future?”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 29(38): 57022-57029.
- Lin, C.C., S.L. Lo, and S.Y.H. Liou, 2022, “Application of Synthetic Data to Establish the Working Framework for Multivariate Statistical Analysis of River Pollution Traceability – The Heavy Metals in Nankan River, Taiwan”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 29(46): 70479-70492.
- Lin, W.H., J. Kuo, and S.L. Lo, 2022, “Corrigendum to Effect of Light Irradiation on Heavy Metal Adsorption onto Microplastics”, Chemosphere, 309: 136675.
- Kumar. A., E. Singh, R. Mishra, S.L. Lo, and S. Kumar, 2022, “A Green Approach Towards Sorption of CO2 on Waste Derived Biochar”, Environmental Research, 214: 113954.
- Mishra, R., E. Singh, A. Kumar, S.L. Lo, and S. Kumar, 2022, “Co-gasification of Solid Waste and Its Impact on Final Product Yields”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 374: 133989.
- Singh, E., R. Mishra, A. Kumar. S.K. Shukla, S.L. Lo, and S. Kumar, 2022, “Circular Economy-based Environmental Management Using Biochar”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 163: 585 – 600.
- Chuang, W.K., Z.E. Lin, T.C. Lin, S.L. Lo, C.L. Chang, and P.T. Chiueh, 2022, “Spatial Allocation of LID Practices with a Water Footprint Approach”, Science of the Total Environment, 859: 160201.
- Singh, S., R. Patidar, V.C. Srivastava, P. Kumar, A. Singh, and S.L. Lo, 2022, “Ellipsoid-shaped Copper Oxide as an Effective Peroxymonosulfate Activator for Perfluorooctanoic Acid Decomposition”, Materials Today Communications, 34: 105107.
- Qiao, Q., S. Singh, R. Patidar, L. Wang, Y. Li, J. Shi, V.C. Srivastava, and S.L. Lo, 2022, “Contribution of Electrolyte in Parametric Optimization of Perfluorooctanoic Acid during Electro-oxidation: Active Chlorinated and Sulfonated By-products Formation and Distribution”, Chemosphere, 312: 137202.
- Li, Y.F., T, Fang, Y.C. Lee, Y.J. Liu, C.Y. Hu, and S.L. Lo, 2022, “Cationic Surfactants Influencing the Enhancement of Energy Efficiency for Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) Removal in the Electrocoagulation-flotation (ECF) System”, Chemosphere, 318: 137932.
- Fakour, H., M. Imani, S.L. Lo, M.H. Yuan, C.K. Chen, S. Mobasser and I. Muangthai, 2022, “Evaluation of Solar Photovoltaic Carport Canopy with Electric Vehicle Charging Potential”, Nature-Scientific Report, 13:2136. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-29223-6.
- Huang, Y.F., P.T. Chiueh, and S.L. Lo, 2022, “Carbon Capture of Biochar Produced by Microwave Co-pyrolysis: Adsorption Capacity, Kinetics and Benefits”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., doi:10.1007/s11356-022-23734-x.
- Singh, S., S. Rawat, R. Patidar, and S.L. Lo, 2022, “Development of Bi2WO6 and Bi2O3-ZnO Heterostructure for Enhanced Phtocatalytic Mineralization of Bisphenol A”, Water Science & Technology, doi:10.2166/wst.2022.402
- Yuan, M.H., P.T. Chiueh, and S.L. Lo, 2021, “Measuring Urban Food-Energy-Water Nexus Sustainability: Finding Solutions for Cities”, Science of the Total Environment, 752: 141954.
- Imani, M., H. Fakour, and S.L. Lo, 2021, “Exploring Climate Disaster Resilience: Insight into City and Zone Levels of Southern Taiwan”, Agriculture, 11(2): 11020107.
- Huang, Y.F., P.T. Chiueh, and S.L. Lo*, 2021, “Energy Recovery from Sewage Sludge: Product Characteristics, Heating Value Prediction and Reaction Kinetics”, Chemosphere, 268: 128783.
- 10. Singh, S., S.L. Lo, V.C. Srivastava, Q. Qiao, and P. Sharma, 2021, “Mineralization of Perfluorooctanoic Acid by Combined Aerated Electrocoagulation and Modified Peroxi-coagulation Methods”, J. Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 118: 169-178.
- Li, Y.F., W.Y. Chien, Y.J. Liu, Y.C. Lee, S.L. Lo, and C.Y. Hu, 2021, “Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) Removal by Flotation with Cationic Surfactants”, Chemosphere, 266: 128949.
- Qiao, Q., S. Singh, S.L. Lo, J. Jin, Y. Yu, and L. Wang, 2021, “Effect of Current Density and pH on the Electrochemically Generated Active Chloro Species for the Rapid Mineralization of p-substituted Phenol”, Chemosphere, 275: 129848.
- Qiao, Q., S. Singh, S.L. Lo, V.C. Srivastava, J. Jin, Y. Yu, and L. Wang, 2021, “Sorption/desorption of Aqueous Mercury ions (Hg2+) onto/from Sulfur-impregnated Attapulgite: Process Optimization, Coexisting Anions and Regeneration Studies”, J. Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 119: 204-212.
- Lo, F.C., M.G. Lee, and S.L. Lo, 2021, “Effect of Coal Ash and Rice Husk Ash Partial Replacement in Ordinary Portland Cement on Pervious Concrete”, Construction & Building Materials, 286: 122947.
- Fakour, H., S.L. Lo, N.T. Yoashi, A.M. Massao, N.N. Lema, F.B. Mkhontfo, P.C. Jomalema, N.S. Jumanne, B.H. Mbuya, J.T. Mtweve, and M. Imani, 2021, “Quantification and Analysis of Microplastics in Farmland Soils: Characterization, Sources, and Pathways”, Agriculture, 11: doi:10.3390/agriculture11040330.
- Huang, Y.F., S.Y. Wang, and S.L. Lo, 2021, “Indium Recovery from Spent Liquid Crystal Displays by using Hydrometallurgical Methods and Microwave Pyrolysis”, Chemosphere, 280: 130905.
- Lin, W.H., J. Kuo, and S.L. Lo, 2021, “Effect of Light Irradiation on Heavy Metal Adsorption onto Microplastics”, Chemosphere, 285: 131457.
- Liu, Y.J., C.Y. Hu, and S.L. Lo, 2021, “Comparison of the Degradation of Multiple Amine-containing Pharmaceuticals during Electroindirect Oxidation and Electrochlorination Processes in Continuous System”, Water Research, 203: 117517.
- Su, P.W., and S.L. Lo, 2021, “Using Landsat 8 Imagery for Remote Monitoring of Total Phosphorus as a Water Quality Parameter of Irrigation Ponds in Taiwan”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 28: 66687-66694.
- Sharma, P., H. Joshi, V.C. Srivastava, S. Singh, and S.L. Lo, 2021, “Treatment of Biologically Treated Distillery Spent Wash Employing Electrocoagulation and Reverse-osmosis Treatment Train”, Environmental Technology, 1946596.
- Chen, C.K., H.C. Liang, and S.L. Lo, 2020, “Feasibility Study of Activated Sludge/Contact Aeration Combined System Treating Oil-Containing Domestic Sewage”, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17: 544; doi:10.3390/ijerph17020544.
- Huang, Y.F., and S.L. Lo, 2020, “Predicting Heating Value of Lignocellulosic Biomass Based on Elemental Analysis”, Energy, 191: 116501, 1-7.
- Yuan, M.H., and S.L. Lo, 2020, “Developing Indicators for Monitoring Food-Energy-Water Sustainability”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 119: 109565, 1-9.
- Lee, Y.C., Y.F. Li, M.J. Chen, Y.C. Chen, J. Kuo, and S.L. Lo, 2020, “Efficient Decomposition of Perfluorooctanic Acid by Persulfate with Iron-modified Activated Carbon”, Water Research, 174: 115618, 1-8.
- Huang, Y.F., Y.Y. Huang, P.T. Chiueh, and S.L. Lo, 2020, “Heterogeneous Fenton Oxidation of Trichloroethylene Catalyzed by Sewage Sludge Biochar: Experimental Study and Life Cycle Assessment”, Chemosphere, 249: doi:10.1016/i.chemosphere.2020.126139.
- Wang, D., C. Wang, M. Ji, L.P. Sun, C.S. Qiu, and S.L. Lo, 2020, “Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter Removal during Biological Treatment of Commingled Chemical Industrial Wastewater: Relationship with Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter Transformation”, Pol. J. Environ. Stud., 29(1): 1-16.
- Lo, F.C., S.L. Lo, and M.G. Lee, 2020, “Effect of Partially Replacing Ordinary Portland Cement with Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Ashes and Rice Husk Ashes on Pervious Concrete Quality”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 27: 23742-23760.
- Yeh, C.J., S.L. Lo, J. Kuo, and Y.C. Chou, 2020, “Optimization of Microwave-enhanced Oxidation of Landfill Leachate by Response Surface Methodology”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 191: 350-361.
- Huang, Y.F., M.W. Pan, and S.L. Lo, 2020, “Hydrometallurgical Metal Recovery from Waste Printed Circuit Boards Pretreated by Microwave Pyrolysis”, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 163: 105090, 1-7.
- Liu, Y.J., Y.L. Huang, S.L. Lo, and C.Y. Hu, 2020, “Comparing the Effects of Types of Electrode on the Removal of Multiple Pharmaceuticals from Water by Electrochemical Methods”, Water, 12: 2332; doi:10.3390/w12092332.
- Liu, Y.J., B. He, C.Y. Hu, and S.L. Lo, 2020, “Removal of Ketoprofen from Water by Sono-activated Persulfate Oxidation”, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 231: 353 doi:10.1007/ s11270-020-04719-3.
- Huang, Y.F., and S.L. Lo, 2020, “Energy Recovery from Waste Printed Circuit Boards Using Microwave Pyrolysis: Product Characteristics, Reaction Kinetics, and Benefits”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 27: 43274-43282.
- Chen, H.Y., S.L. Lo, and H.L. Chang, 2020, “Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Titanate Nanotubes Loaded with Platinum with Enhanced Selectivity for Photocatalytic H2 Evolution from Methanol”, Nano, 15 (10): 2050129; doi: 10.1142/ S1793292020501295.
- Yuan, M.H., and S.L. Lo, 2020, “Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Development: Perspectives from the Food-energy-water Nexus”, Ecosystem Services, 46: doi:10.1016/ j.ecoser.2020.101217.
- Huang, Y.F., P.T. Chiueh, and S.L. Lo, 2020, “Energy Recovery from Sewage Sludge: Product Characteristics, Heating Value Prediction and Reaction Kinetics”, Chemosphere, doi:10.1016/ j.chemosphere.2020.128783.
- Li, Y.F., W.Y. Chien, Y.J. Liu, Y.C. Lee, S.L. Lo, and C.Y. Hu, “Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) Removal by Flotation with Cationic Surfactants”, Chemosphere, doi:10.1016/ j.chemosphere. 2020.128949.
- Fakour, H., and S.L. Lo, 2019, “Formation and Risk Assessment of Trihalomethanes through Different Tea Brewing Habits”, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 222 : 117-124.
- Zheng, Z.J., M.Y.. Lin, P.T. Chiueh, and S.L. Lo, 2019, “Framework for Determining Optimal Strategy for Sustainable Remediation of Contaminated Sediment: A Case Study in Northern Taiwan”, Science of the Total Environment, 654 : 822-831.
- Liu, Y.J., C.Y. Hu, and S.L. Lo, 2019, “Direct and Indirect Electrochemical Oxidation of Amine-containing Pharmaceuticals using Graphite Electrodes”, J. of Hazardous Materials, 366 : 592-605.
- Liu, Y.J., H.S. Liu, C.Y. Hu, and S.L. Lo, 2019, “Simultaneous Aqueous Chlorination of Amine-containing Pharmaceuticals”, Water Research, 155 : 56-65.
- Yuan, M.H., and S.L. Lo, 2019, “Embedding Scarcity in Urban Water Tariffs: Mapping Supply and Demand in North Taiwan”, Environmental Earth Sciences, 78 : 325. doi: 10.1007/ s12665-019-8318-9.
- Yuan, M.H., P.T. Chiueh, and S.L. Lo, 2019, “Understanding Synergies and Trade-offs Between Water and Energy Production at Landfill Sites”, Science of the Total Environment, 687 : 152-160.
- Xu, J., and S.L. Lo, 2019, “A Case Study on Gravel-contact- aeration-oxidation System to Treat the Combined Sewage and Rainwater Flowing into Keelung River, Taiwan”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 156 : 32-37.
- Lin, Y.C., C.C. Lin, M. Lee, P.T. Chiueh, S.L. Lo, and M.L. Liou, 2019, “Comprehensive Assessment of Regional Food-Energy- Water Nexus with GIS-based Tool”, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 151: 104457, 1-7.
- Cheng, Y.Y., S.L. Lo, C.C. Ho, J.Y. Lin, and S.L. Yu, 2019, “Field Testing of Porous Pavement Performance on Runoff and Temperature Control in Taipei City”, Water, 11: 2635; doi:10.3390/w11122635.
- Wang, D., C. Wang, M. Ji, L.P. Sun, C.S. Qiu, and S.L. Lo, 2019, “Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter Removal during Biological Treatment of Commingled Chemical Industrial Wastewater: Relationship with Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter Transformation”, Pol. J. Environ. Stud., 29(1) : 1-16.
- Chen, C.K., H.C. Liang, and S.L. Lo, 2019, “Feasibility Study of Activated Sludge/Contact Aeration Combined System Treating Oil-Containing Domestic Sewage”, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17: 544; doi:10.3390/ijerph17020544.
- Yuan, M.H., and S.L. Lo, 2019, “Developing Indicators for Monitoring Food-Energy-Water Sustainability”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, doi:10.1016/j.rser. 2019.109565.
- Huang, Y.F., and S.L. Lo, 2019, “Predicting Heating Value of Lignocellulosic Biomass Based on Elemental Analysis”, Energy, 191: 116501, 1-7.
EI Journal Papers
- Lin, C.C., and S.L. Lo, “The Suspended Solid Induced Impact on Farmland Soil Heavy Metal Accumulation in a Drainage-converged Irrigation Channel – in Changhua County, Taiwan”, J. of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, 35(7): 731-742.
- Wu, C.I., H.C. Chung, and S.L. Lo, 2023, “Real-time Precision Multi-Layer Sensor for Sludge Thickness Detection in Water Treatment Plant”, J. of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, 35(2): 131-139.
- Wu, C.I., H.C. Chung, and S.L. Lo, 2022, “Real-time Precision Multi-Layer Sensor for Sludge Thickness Detection in Water Treatment Plant”, J. of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, 34(6): 440-451.
- Cheng, Y.Y., and S.L. Lo, 2021, “The Real Time Water Quality and Alerting for Wastewater Treatment Plant by Intelligent System”, J. of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, 33(6): 451-459.
- Chen, C.K., G.Y. Chen, H.C. Liang, and S.L. Lo, 2021, “Treating Hotel Wastewater using a Combined Activated Sludge/Contact Aeration System”, Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 5: 100193.
- Ho, C.I., and S.L. Lo, 2020, “A Strategic Approach for Water Safety Plan Implementation in Data Mining Technique”, J. of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, 32(3): 271-283.
- Huang, Y.F., P.T. Chiueh, and S.L. Lo, 2019, “CO2 Adsorption on Biochar from Co-torrefaction of Sewage Sludge and Leucaena Wood using Microwave Heating”, Energy Procedia, 158 : 4435-4440.
- Huang, Y.F., P.T. Chiueh, S.L. Lo, L.P. Sun, C.S. Qiu, and D. Wang, 2019, “Torrefaction of Sewage Sludge by using Microwave Heating”, Energy Procedia, 158 : 67-72.
Other Journal Papers
- Wu, B.C., C.H. Hou, C.H. Lai, W.H. Kuan, S.L. Lo, J.J. Tsai, L.C. Chang, and C.M. Yen, 2021, “Assessment of Innovative Physicochemical Treatment Methods for Removal of Ammonia and Nitrate”, Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control, 153: 1-22.
- 李育輯、駱尚廉, 2019, “淨水污泥再利用於混凝土之研究”, 自來水, 38(3): 33-40.