
研究員: 陳文山 Dr. Wen-Shan Chen

 Email: wenshan@ntu.edu.tw

 Science and Technology Research Institute for DE-Carbonization (STRIDE-C), NTU, Taiwan,

國立臺灣大學新碳勘科技研究中心-Researcher 研究員 (2023.6-Present)

國立臺灣大學地質研究所 名譽教授(2022)

國立臺灣大學地質研究所 教授(2002-2022)

國立臺灣大學地質研究所 副教授(1989-2002)

Ph.D. Geology Department of Geology, National Taiwan University (1988)

國立臺灣大學地質研究所 地質學博士

M.Sc. Geology Department of Geology, National Taiwan University (1985)

國立臺灣大學地質研究所 地質學碩士

B.Sc. Geology Department of Geology, National Taiwan University (1981)

國立臺灣大學地質系 地質學學


副研究員: 郭家瑋 Dr. Chia-Wei Kuo

 Email: chiaweik@alumni.stanford.edu

Ph.D. Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
   o Advisor: Sally M. Benson
   o PhD Dissertation: The Combined Influence of Gravity, Flow Rate and Small-Scale
       Heterogeneity on Core-Scale Multiphase Flow of CO2 and Brine
   o diploma date: Jan 2013
M.S. Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (2007)
M.S. Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2005)
B.S. Electro-Physics, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2003)


Science and Technology Research Institute for DE-Carbonization (STRIDE-C), NTU, Taiwan,
    Associate Researcher 2023.6-Present 副研究員
    Postdoctoral Researcher 2023.2-2023.5 博士後研究
Center for Advanced Model Research Development and Applications (CAMRDA), NCU,
     Taiwan 中央大學高等模式研發應用中心
     Associate Researcher 2022.8-2023.1 副研究員
     Deputy Director 2020.8-2023.1 副主任
     Assistant Researcher 2016.8-2022.7 助理研究員
Graduate Institute of Applied Geology, National Central University, Taiwan
    Postdoctoral Researcher 2016.1-2016.7 博士後研究
Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan 國立臺灣大學地質系
    Postdoctoral Researcher 2013.1-2015.12 博士後研究


Numerical and Analytical Studies on CCS- CO2 Sequestration in Saline Aquifer

Reservoir Simulation/Simulations of Geothermal Energy

Coupled Thermal-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Subsurface

    ◼ Simulations of Full-Scale Engineered Barrier System in Nuclear Waste Disposal
        (核廢料處置安全評估分析之全尺度工程障壁模擬, HM,THM,HC, THMC)
    ◼ Contaminant Transport and Remediation Modeling (Bioremediation/ In Situ
         Chemical Oxidation) (地下水污染傳輸/生物整治/現地化學氧化法整治模擬,HCR)
    ◼ Regional Modeling of Variably Saturated Groundwater Flow
        (變飽和地下水數值模式建立及率定, H)
    ◼ Simulations of Fault Gouge THM Evolution in LHVR Experiment
        (斷層泥高速旋剪試驗之熱水力耦合模擬, THM)
Coupled Processes of Hydraulics- Sediment Transport- Chemical Species Transport Chemical Reaction                        (水力耦合輸砂和化學反應傳輸)
    ◼ Simulations of Contaminant Transport of Heavy Metals on Suspended and Bed
         Sediments in River System (河川水質底泥重金屬污染傳輸模擬)


                                                                                                                                                       Impact Factor/Rank: JCR-2020
o  Li-Wei Kuo, Wen-Jie Wu, Chia-Wei Kuo, Steven A.F. Smith, Wei-Ting Lin, Wei-Hsin Wu, Yi-Hung Huang,
    Frictional strength and fluidization of water-saturated kaolinite gouges at seismic slip velocities, 2021, Journal
    of Structural Geology

o  Kuo, C.-W.* and Benson, S.M., Reliability of Relative Permeability Measurements for Heterogeneous Rocks
    Using Horizontal Core Flood Experiments. Sustainability 2021, 13, 2744. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13052744
    (SCI, IF=3.251, Rank: 124/274 in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)

o Antonio Gens*, J. Alcoverro, Radim Blaheta, Martin Hasal, Zdeněk Michalec, Yusuke Takayama, Changsoo
   Lee, Jaewon Lee, Geon Young Kim, Chia-Wei Kuo, Wan-Jung Kuo, Chung-Yi Lin, HM and THM
   interactions in bentonite engineered barriers for nuclear waste disposal, 2020, IJRMMS_2020_425R1,
   International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences (IJRMMS) in a virtual special issue for
   DECOVALEX-2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2020.104572
  (SCI, IF=7.135, Rank: 1/41 in ENGINEERING, GEOLOGICAL)

o C.-W. Kuo* and S. M. Benson, 2015. Numerical and Analytical Study of Effect of Small Scale Heterogeneity
   on CO2/Brine Multiphase Flow System in Horizontal Corefloods, Advances in Water Resources, volume 79,
   Pages 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.01.012
   (SCI, IF=4.510, Rank: 17/98 in WATER RESOURCES, FWCI=14.63)

o C.-W. Kuo* and S. M. Benson, 2013. Analytical Study of Effects of Flow Rate, Capillarity and Gravity on
   CO2/Brine Multiphase Flow System in Horizontal Corefloods, SPE-153954-PA, SPE J 2013;18(4):708–20.
   (SCI, IF=3.478, Rank: 4/20 in ENGINEERING, PETROLEUM, FWCI=8.07)

o C-W Kuo*, J-C Perrin, and S. M. Benson, 2011. Simulation studies of effect of flow rate and small scale
    heterogeneity on multiphase flow of CO2 and brine. Energy Procedia 4, 4516–4523.
    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2011.02.408 (FWCI=1.16)

o C-W Kuo*, J-C Perrin, and S M. Benson, 2010. Effect of Gravity, Flow Rate, and Small Scale Heterogeneity
   on Multiphase Flow of CO2 and Brine, SPE-132607-MS, SPE Western Regional Meeting, 27-29 May,
   Anaheim, California, USA. http://dx.doi.org/10.2118/132607-MS (FWCI=9.76)

o Michael Krause, Jean-Christophe Perrin, Chia-Wei Kuo, Sally M. Benson, Characterization of CO2 storage
   properties using core analysis techniques and thin section data, Energy Procedia, volume 1, issue 1, February
   2009, Pages 2969–2974 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2009.02.073 (FWCI=1.17)

o Jean-Christophe Perrin, Michael Krause, Chia-Wei Kuo, Ljuba Miljkovic, Ethan Charoba, Sally M. Benson,
   Core-scale experimental study of relative permeability properties of CO2 and brine in reservoir rocks, Energy
   Procedia, volume 1, issue 1, February 2009, Pages 3515–3522. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2009.02.144

o Sally M. Benson, Jean-Christophe Perrin, Michael Krause, Chia-Wei Kuo, Ljuba Miljkovic, Experimental
    Investigations of Multiphase Flow and Trapping in Saline Aquifers – Annual Report 2007

助理研究員:黃韶怡 Dr. Huang, Shao-Yi

Email: shaosyh@ntu.edu.tw
網頁: https://www.shaosyh.tw/



Ph.D. Dept. of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (2014)


* Visiting research fellow in Geologisches Institut, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, funded by NSF (2009-2010)


M.S.  Dept. of Geological Sciences, Central Washington University, WA, USA (2003)


B.S.  Dept. of Geology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (2000)



  • Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica中央研究院地球科學研究所
           智慧災防新南向計畫 2018 – 2023
  • Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, National Dong Hwa University國立東華大學自然資源與環境學系
            臺灣古海嘯研究計畫2014 – 2018
  • Dept. of Geosciences, National Taiwan University國立臺灣大學地質科學系
            台灣車籠埔深鑽計畫 (Taiwan Chelungpu Drilling Program) 2004 – 2005





        I.   2018-2022 Most Cited Award in Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Journal :
            “Investigating the Milun Fault: The coseismic surface rupture zone of the
            2018/02/06 ML 6.2 Hualien earthquake, Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 30(3), pp. 311-335.

       II.  2020地球科學集刊大道新人獎:
Investigating the Milun Fault: The coseismic
    surface rupture zone of the 2018/02/06 ML 6.2 Hualien earthquake, Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic
, 30(3), pp. 311-335.”

      III.  2020科技部博士後研究人員學術研究獎:
Field observations of sediment transport across
    the rocky coast of east Taiwan: Impacts of extreme waves on the coastal
    morphology by Typhoon Soudelor: Marine
, 421, pp. 106088”. 

期刊論文(Metrics for 2021)
  1. Shao-Yi Huang, Y.-H. Lee, L. Mesalles, C.-S. Horng, H.-Y. Lu, Y.-L. Tsai, Y.-J. Wu, F.-Y. Chen, and X.-B. Tan (2022) Plio-Pleistocene fluvial dynamics in the pro-foreland basins of Taiwan: Thermochronological constraints and tectonic implications from the syn-orogenic deposits. Tectonophysics, 838, 229486. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229486 (IF:3.66; JIF Rank in SCIE: Q2)
  2. Shao-Yi Huang, J.-Y. Yen, B.-L. Wu, and N.-W. Shih (2020) Field observations of sediment transport across the rocky coast of east Taiwan: Impacts of extreme waves on the coastal morphology by Typhoon Soudelor: Marine Geology, 421, pp. 106088. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2019.106088 (IF:3.621; JIF Rank in SCIE: Q2)
  3. Tzu-Tsen Shen, Tsung-Kwei Liu, Shao-Yi Huang, Pei-Shan Hsieh, and Cheng- Yin Wu (2020). Post-collisional exhumation and geotherm pattern in northern Tananao Complex, northeastern Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. 31, pp. 369-381. https://doi.org/10.3319/TAO.2019.04.06.01 (IF:0.9631; JIF Rank in SCIE: Q4)
  4. Shao-Yi Huang, Jiun-Yee Yen, Bo-Lin Wu, I-Chin Yen, and Ray Y. Chuang (2019). Investigating the Milun Fault: The coseismic surface rupture zone of the 2018/02/06 ML 6.2 Hualien earthquake, Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 30(3), pp. 311-335 (IF:0.9631; JIF Rank in SCIE: Q4) https://doi.org/10.3319/TAO.2018.12.09.03 (IF:0.9631; JIF Rank in SCIE: Q4)
  5. Bo-Lin Wu, Jiun-Yee Yen, Shao-Yi Huang, Yu-Ting Kuo, and Wen-Yen Chang (2019). Surface deformation of 0206 Hualien earthquake revealed by the integrated network of RTK GPS. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 30(3), pp. 301-310. https://doi.org/10.3319/tao.2019.05.27.01 (IF:0.9631; JIF Rank in SCIE: Q4)
  6. Ya-Shien Lin, Ray Y. Chuang, Jiun-Yee Yen; Yi-Chin Chen; Yu-Ting Kuo, Bo- Lin Wu, Shao-Yi Huang, and Ci-Jian Yang (2019). Mapping surface breakages of the 2018 Hualien earthquake by using UAS photogrammetry. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 30(3), pp. 351-366. https://doi.org/10.3319/tao.2018.12.09.02 (IF:0.9631; JIF Rank in SCIE: Q4)
  7. Yu Ting Kuo, Yu Wang, James Hollingsworth, Shao‐Yi Huang, Ray Y. Chuang, Chih‐Heng Lu, Yi‐Chun Hsu, Hsin Tung, Jiun‐Yee Yen, and Chung‐Pai Chang (2019). Shallow Fault Rupture of the Milun Fault in the 2018 Mw 6.4 Hualien Earthquake: A High‐Resolution Approach from Optical Correlation of Pléiades Satellite Imagery. Seismological Research Letters, 90(1), pp. 97-107. https://doi.org/10.1785/0220180227 (IF:4.288; JIF Rank in SCIE: Q2)
  8. Lih Kae Chim, Jiun-Yee Yen, Shao-Yi Huang, Ying-San Liou, and Louis Loung-Yie Tsai (2018). Using Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Materials to track exhumation of an active orogenic belt: An example from Eastern Taiwan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 164, pp. 248-259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2018.06.030 (IF:3.374; JIF Rank in SCIE: Q2)
  9. Shao-Yi Huang, Yue-Gau Chen, George S. Burr, Manoj K. Jaiswal, Yunung Nina Lin, Gongming Yin, Jingwei Liu, Shujun Zhao, and Zhongquan Cao (2014). Late Pleistocene sedimentary history of multiple glacially dammed lake episodes along the Yarlung-Tsangpo river, southeast Tibet. Quaternary research, 82 (2), pp. 430-440. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yqres.2014.06.001 (IF:2.797; JIF Rank in SCIE: Q3)
  10. J. Yanites, G.E. Tucker, K.J. Mueller, Y.G. Chen, T. Wilcox, S.Y. Huang, K.W. Shi. (2010). Incision and channel morphology across active structures along the Peikang River, central Taiwan: Implications for the importance of channel width. GSA-Bulletin, 122, pp. 1192-1208. https://doi.org/10.1130/B30035.1 (IF:5.410; JIF Rank in SCIE: Q1)
  11. Shao-Yi Huang, Charles M. Rubin, Yue-Gau Chen and Huan-Chi Liu (2007) Prehistoric earthquakes along the Shanchiao Fault, Taipei Basin, northern Taiwan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 31, pp. 265-276. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2006.07.025 (IF:3.374; JIF Rank in SCIE: Q2)

博士後研究員:許緯豪 Dr. Hsu,Wei-Hao

Email: weihaohsu@ntu.edu.tw

Ph.D. Dept. of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (2023)


* Visiting research fellow in Department of Geosciences, University of Connecticut, CT, USA (2014-2015)


M.S.  Dept. of Geoscience, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (2007)


B.S.  Dept. of Geology in Department of Geology, Chinese Culture University (2001)



  • Science and Technology Research Instiute for DE-Carbonization(STRIDE-C), NTU, Taiwan                        國立臺灣大學新碳勘科技研究中心
           博士後研究員 2023 – 現今
  • Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica 中央研究院地球科學研究所
            博士後研究員 2023/5 – 2023/6
  • Heyu engineering consultant 合昱工程顧問有限公司
            地質師 2009 – 2013
  • Taipei Tech Institute of Mineral Resources Engineering 台北科技大學資源工程研究所
            助理研究員 2007 – 2008              


        I.   Honorary Membership of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China (2023)                                         中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會,榮譽會員 (2023)

       II.  Dean’s Award of the College of Science, National Taiwan University (2023)
    國立臺灣大學理學院院長獎 (2023)

期刊論文(Metrics for 2021)
  1. Hsu, W. H., Byrne, T. B., Lewis, J. C., Chen, Y. G., & Yeh, P. Y. (2022). Synorogenic extension and extrusion in southern Taiwan. Tectonophysics, 840, 229562. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229562 (IF:2.9; JIF Rank in SCIE: Q2)

  2. Hsu, W. H., Byrne, T. B., Ouimet, W., Lee, Y. H., Chen, Y. G., Soest, M. V., & Hodges, K. (2016). Pleistocene onset of rapid, punctuated exhumation in the eastern Central Range of the Taiwan orogenic belt. Geology, 44(9), 719-722. https://doi.org/10.1130/G37914.1 (IF:4.635; JIF Rank in SCIE: Q1)

  3. 許緯豪、胡賢能、朱傚祖、張秋蓮、李松勇、康耿豪、李彥良(2012) 南橫高中檜谷向陽小關山地區火成岩地層層位探討,西太平洋地質科學,第12卷,第2期,第85-112頁。

  4. 許緯豪、楊昭男 (2012) 臺灣北部新竹縣北埔地區斷層群成長機制的研究,經濟部中央地質調查所特刊,第26號,第139-167頁。

  5. 張秋蓮、許緯豪 (2011) 臺灣板岩帶大型有孔蟲化石分布探討,經濟部中央地質調查所特刊,第25號,第111-132頁。